Mangsa Kekejaman

Its already almost 4 pm. Baru balik dari tengok green lantern td. Wow! Awesome! But i’m not gonna say anything about it here. Entry kali ne bout mangsa pada kekejaman yang paling kejam. What? Kekejaman yang paling kejam? HAHA.

Don’t take it wrong. This is not about the Nazi’s or the Napoleon or like the massacre in Rwanda. This happens in my own home and to me.
It has become my duty *mcm besar je kerjanye* to cabut my dad’s punyer bulu KETIAK. Yes. You read well. Ketiak. K-E-T-I-A-K. Why did i said so?

1st and foremost, aku ne anak bongsu. Kakak and abang aku, being selfish, tinggalkan aku sorang2, untuk cabut bulu ketiak bapak aku.
That’s is soo not true. Abang and kakak aku are far more older than me, about 9 and 8 years older. So, like it or not, they already have their own families and job, so sah2 laa aku yang kena buat semua.

Lagi2 time hari bapak mcm ni kan? Sooo sweet!~ HAHAHA

Selamat hari bapak laa abah!